There is a links to tested working software and drivers with this programmer.
All drivers should work on all Windows versions: Xp, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 on both 64 bit and 32bit versions (x86).
Main page drivers download from winchiphead:
CH341PAR Programmer mode Driver
Jumper on Pin 1 and 2. To install via setup.exe you have to first connect the programmer.
You have to first disable check signed drivers on windows 8, 8.1 and 10!
(pull Shift and click to restart > Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart again > On the Startup Settings screen press 7 or F7 to disable driver signature enforcement.)
Tested drivers on Windows 10 64 bit:; CH341WDM.INF
; Driver for CH341 (USB=>EPP/I2C/SPI... chip) V2.2
; WDM for Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Server2003/Vista/64bit Vista/Server2008/Win7/64bit Win7
; Copyright (C) 2001-2009
DriverVer = 06/05/2009, 2.2.2009.06
with preinstallation option:
Other Drivers and libraries for Android, Linux and MacOS:
CH341SER Serial mode Driver
Jumper on Pin 2 and 3. Disable force signed drivers like described above.
USB-SERIAL CH340 driver included too. Install manually or run setup.exe from CH341SER directory (not from install).
; Driver for CH341 (USB=>SERIAL chip) V3.4
; WDM&VXD for Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Server2003/Vista/64bit Vista/Server2008/Win7/64bit Win7
; Copyright (C) 2001-2014
DriverVer = 08/08/2014, 3.4.2014.08
Other Serial Drivers and libraries (Linux, MacOS, Android):
Other downloads:
CH341DP version 1.3 (serial mode)
SPI, I2C downloader, TTL, RS232 for AT89S5X, AVR-MEGA microcontroller
CH341EVT – evaluation board and example uses
Speed testing software. eeprom writer demo and other source codes and libs.
Printer driver?
Working programmer software
on Windows 10 work versions 1.29, 1.26, 1.16 and 1.13:
CH341A Programmer 1.29
CH341A Programmer 1.26 (working only CH341AFree.exe)
CH341A Programmer 1.16
CH341A Programmer 1.13
Other Versions ( working on Windows 7, Vista, XP):
CH341A Programmer 1.18
CH341A Programmer 1.17
Other software
There is 2 programs in Chinese language.
English labels for buttons (both apps are the same):
First is only for EEPROM (USB24):
USB 24Cxxx.exe V3.0
The second one:
CH341A-1.15.exe – USB24-25 2011.05
USB24C and USB25 SPI Flash
29.10.2016 at 13:00
Jak to uruchomic na Linux Ubuntu 14.04?
31.10.2016 at 10:08
Jak to na linuxie. Podłącz pod USB i radź sobie sam :)
Napisz sterownik i programator.
04.11.2016 at 07:50
how much money to CH341A ? Please send me device info, How can ı pay
04.01.2017 at 08:56
Hi thanks for your sharing. Unfortunately some files are infected with virus, they are:
Others are ok.
09.01.2017 at 07:52
I’m not pretty sure it is viruses, maybe it is but it works :) That did not affect to any files in system (i’ve tested it on sandbox).
If you are afraid you can run it on sandbox or in the virtual machine.
27.01.2017 at 13:04
thanks!! i had issues with version 1.17, i downloaded 1.29 and now works perfectly!!!
14.02.2017 at 21:16
the software downloaded it’s not for BLACK EDITION CH341A but for original edition
18.02.2017 at 09:31
What do you mean black edition? Black PCB?
20.04.2017 at 13:27
Do you mean the CH341A programmer that can do 1.8V and 2.5V and comes with a USB software dongle? That uses different software, yes. I’m not aware of any way of getting that other than through the guy’s taobao shop.
09.03.2017 at 15:19
What is the difference between ‘serial’ and ‘parallel’ driver – it is USB so ‘serial’ surely?
Which do you recommend?
My chip seems to not program completely, only in small random address blocks
10.03.2017 at 22:21
tanks this information….i like
20.04.2017 at 13:24
If you’re looking for the latest software version (1.31 as of April 2017), and you want to support the author, you can buy it for 10 bucks.
– Send email to, telling him you’d like to buy his CH341A programmer software.
– He’ll send you an email back with a Paypal link, warn you not to pirate his stuff, and ask for a address – apparently because gmail will not allow EXE files inside ZIP to be attached
– Once you’ve paid, he’ll send a ZIP file with a customized EXE inside (and drivers). The EXE has your name
– Run the EXE, send him an email with the username and hardware id it displays
– He’ll send you an XML file. “Import” that and you have a licensed, personalized copy. Future software updates are free.
It’s a convoluted buying process. Still, it beats scrounging around for hacked copies, in my book.
24.04.2017 at 17:47
How we can be sure it is real or fake? Chinneese seelers send this soft.
05.05.2017 at 19:21 report all of the files contain virus.
08.05.2017 at 13:01
Check the details of reports from AV. Most AV detects all cracked software as a virus (for most cases only for bad digital sign).
You should run it on the virtual machine or in the sandbox.
26.05.2017 at 20:17
When I start the Programmer (version 1.29), it doesn’t open. When I open task manager, I see that the task starts and then closes after about 10 seconds. Could you please help me with this? It is preventing me from using the programmer entirely.
26.05.2017 at 20:24
Hi. When I open the Programming software (version 1.29) it doesn’t open. When I look in task manager to see what is going on, I see that it opens but then closes about 10 seconds later, without ever showing any windows. Could you please assist me with that issue?
12.06.2017 at 07:55
1.29 works on Win10. Which system do you have? Did you run it as admin?
13.07.2017 at 11:55
Regarding to has 7/58 Virusses ! – and also others have virusses
13.07.2017 at 19:17
You can run it on virtual machine. There is no good recognition of type of virus that is possible false positive (7 / 59):
AegisLab Troj.Gen!c 20170713
Avira (no cloud) TR/Patched.Ren.Gen3 20170713
Baidu Win32.Trojan.WisdomEyes.16070401.9500.9893 20170713
Cyren W32/Virut.Y.gen!Eldorado 20170713
F-Prot W32/Virut.Y.gen!Eldorado 20170713
Ikarus Trojan.Win32.FakeAV 20170713
Symantec Trojan.Gen.8!cloud 20170713
16.10.2017 at 06:25
not support chip cfeon s64-104hip
28.01.2020 at 12:33
I have tested that EEPROM cFeon s64-104hip with CH341A programmer, and it works correctly as well. I used flashrom software on linux.
01.01.2018 at 22:49
could you help me please …looking for diver for win 64bit ..i am using ch341 (1.29)
20.04.2018 at 08:52
1.30 Version ?
24.04.2018 at 07:39
1.31 and newer needs hardware key. 1.30 causes a lot of trouble.
06.03.2021 at 15:29
Hi, you will have to reprogram the bios of a 2011 macbook pro to rule out booting the faulty AMD video card. It’s possible?