There is a simple script that will fool the VAG-COM 409.1.

What you need:

  • VAG-COM 409.1 release.exe
  • Vag-Com 409.1 Cr.exe
  • starter.bat – simple script that will fool the VAG-COM

Disconnect internet connection. Install VAG-COM. Install d1.bin, d2.bin and d3.bin. Do not run the program (if you did, you have to close it and reinstall bin files)

Before you run the program: In the main program directory create subdirectory named “full”: C:\Program Files\VAG-COM\full and copy three files d1.bin, d2.bin, d3.bin from Cr installation direcotry. Run starter.bat.

Download starter.bat

starter.bat source

@echo off
echo VAG-COM 409.1 files monitor
set vc=C:\Program Files\VAG-COM
start /b "" /D"%vc%" "%vc%\VagCom.exe"
if not exist "%vc%\d1.bin" echo * %time% - D1 missing, copying!
if not exist "%vc%\d1.bin" copy "%vc%\full\d1.bin" "%vc%\d1.bin"
if not exist "%vc%\d2.bin" echo * %time% - D2 missing, copying!
if not exist "%vc%\d2.bin" copy "%vc%\full\d2.bin" "%vc%\d2.bin"
if not exist "%vc%\d3.bin" echo * %time% - D3 missing, copying!
if not exist "%vc%\d3.bin" copy "%vc%\full\d3.bin" "%vc%\d3.bin"
ping -n 2 > NUL