Yesterday i’ve got system updates:


I shut down my computer. Today when i turn it on i’ve got error 0xc0000225. One of them killed my system.
My Windows 10 is 1703 Creators Update.

There is a new version 1709 Fall Creators Update.

To solve it you have to boot computer from usb or cd.
You can download newest image from Microsoft:
If you have problem you can go to english version, then you can choose language for the iso:
For older compilations you have to search in the web.

First try to System Restore point

If that not help you have to run run command line and backup current system registry and thenrestore registry.
Copy from:
ren C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\system system.bak
cp C:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack\system C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\

Reboot the PC.

Then i’ve got error 0xc0000001

So boot again from USB and copy the acpu.sys or another file(be sure you have booted from correct version of windows x64 or x86):
Run command line in troubleshoting.
Copy acpi.sys from drive X – this is booted partition image from pendrive. (Or you can grab needed file from antoher computer and copy it from pendrive)
cp X:\Windows\System32\drivers\acpi.sys C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\

My computer is working. Enjoy if it helps you.